martes, diciembre 08, 2009
miércoles, agosto 05, 2009
Propuesta LEY de EDUCACION en Venezuela; CONOCELA, DIFUNDELA, ACTUA para que sus postulados sean del conocimiento objetivo de los Venezolanos
Hay que trabajar para que en el mundo conozcan de las intenciones educativas que en medio del silencio comunicacional se quieren imponer en Venezuela....
Proyecto de Ley de Educación
View more documents from alejandrovivas.
miércoles, marzo 18, 2009
El Sector Construccion en Venezuela, anualmente celebra en la ciudad de Caracas su reunion, para analizar las politicas publicas y privadas necesarias para impulsar el desarrollo del sector en el pais, asi como las actividades necesarias para fortalecer la presencia de las empresas venezolanas en el extranjero, en especial en nuestras areas de influencia geo-politica como son el Caribe y la zona Andina.
Nuestro director J.J. Parra, ha hecho acto de presencia en este Evento, a los fines de impulsar la dotación y renovación de Equipos y Maquinarias Pesadas en Venezuela.
viernes, febrero 27, 2009
Actuación de nuestro CEO J.J. Parra como Director de Maquinaria Pesada de la C.v.C.
En el curso del año 2008, la Asamblea de la Camara Venezolana de la Construcción, aprobó que el cuerpo directivo de la Camara tuviera representación del sector de empresas usuarias o relacionadas con los Equipos y Maquinarias Pesadas; a partir del año 2008, el Ing. Eduardo Madrigal y mi persona hemos fungido como Directores para esta Institución y he querido aprovechar esta ventaja editorial de la Revista de la Construcción, a los fines de compartir con uds. un breve Informe de los alcances de nuestra gestión, a los fines de poder contar con su cooperación en las actividades gremiales que esta Dirección de la CVC esta promocionando y las cuales para su éxito y concreción necesitamos contar con el apoyo de todos nuestros agremiados.
Para dar inicio, quiero destacar la invalorable colaboración que nos ha prestado la participación activa de los integrantes de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Venezolana de Maquinaria, quienes han asumido con su compromiso y apoyo un excelente trabajo para que esta Dirección de la CVC logre aglutinar los intereses gremiales de las empresas constructoras, por lo tanto quiero destacar los aportes del sr. Carlo Magno Lins de Construtora Odebrecht c.a.; del sr. Mariano Sandoval de Mantenimientos Valle Azul c.a., del sr. Placido Vianello de Inteven s.a., del sr, José Mendoza del Grupo Casco de Venezuela y del señor Bernardo Avalos del Banco B.F.C., asi como la sra. Samantha Persad quien ha colaborado decididamente con nuestra gerente la Ing. Yamel García para que esta Dirección de la CVC se haya incorporado en el campo gremial con tanto éxito y resultados.
Una de las áreas que hemos incluido como prioritaria para desarrollar, es la preparación, capacitación y certificación de Profesionales, Operarios y mecánicos en las áreas relacionadas con los Equipos y Maquinarias Pesadas. En tal sentido hemos apoyado la labor institucional del Centro de Entrenamiento y Transferencia Tecnológica (CENTRATEC). Actividad de apoyo y cooperación inter-institucional que hemos desarrollado por cuanto creemos en la necesidad que el sector tiene de la existencia de un Centro de Entrenamiento y Transferencia Tecnológica para promover, estimular, incentivar, desarrollar, realizar y ejecutar todas las actividades necesarias e indispensables Enseñanza, Capacitación y Certificación de Profesionales, Operarios y Mecánicos de Equipos a ser utilizados en el sector de las Maquinarias Pesadas. Es de importancia resaltar que CENTRATEC Centro de Entrenamiento y Transferencia Tecnológica fue aprobado por los organismos de la LOCTI Ley Orgánica de Ciencia y Tecnología y cumple con todos los requisitos legales para ser receptor de los aportes de la Ley. Actualmente este programa de esta desarrollando en Alianza con las F.A.N. en base a los alcances de acuerdo establecido con la Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna y cuyos aspectos resaltantes son los siguientes:
•Convocar al sector construccion para que provean los CAPACITADORES necesarios para estos programas.
•Crear con el aporte de talleres y aulas por parte de las F.F.A.A. y la U.N.E.F.A. en sus instalaciones, el I Centro de Entrenamiento, Capacitación y Certificación para mecánicos y mantenimiento (soldadores, engrasadores y otros)
•Crear con el aporte de talleres y aulas por parte de las F.F.A.A. y la U.N.E.F.A. en sus instalaciones, el I Centro de Entrenamiento, Capacitación y Certificación para Operarios.
•Adecuar y utilizar con el apoyo de las F.F.A.A. y el sector construcción, los equipos, maquinarias pesadas y herramientas que requieren estos Centros de Entrenamiento, Capacitación y Certificación.
•Desarrollar un Plan Inter Anual de Recuperación y mantenimiento de los equipos y maquinarias pesadas a las F.F.A.A. y otros entes del Estado.
En base a este programa el sector construcción utilizando esta herramienta LOCTI ha facilitado en esas instalaciones las siguientes actividades:
1.Cursos realizados en Fuerte Tiuna y cantidad de egresados
1er. Curso Manejos administrativos de los Costos Administrativos de Uso y Posesion de equipos y maquinarias:
Fecha: 09 de julio del 2008
Asistencia: 20 efectivos Militares
Duración: 8hrs
2do. Curso Curso Manejos administrativos de los Costos Administrativos de Uso y Posesion de equipos y maquinarias
Fecha: 23 de julio del 2008
Ing. Eduardo Madrigal
Ing. Engels Bandres
Ing. Gonzalo Araujo
Asistencia: 26 efectivos Militares
06 Civiles “BCV”
Duración: 8hrs.
Asimismo actualmente en la Dirección de Maquinaria Pesada estamos asesorando a CENTRATEC para el diseño curricular y PENSA correspondiente al Programa educativo 2009/2011 que se impartirá en Fuerte Tiuna:
1.Se tiene programado para comienzo del segundo trimestre 2009 dictar el curso del programa “Manejo Administrativo de Operación y Posesión para Maquinaria Pesada” en la Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna Caracas.
Instructor: Ing. Eduardo Madrigal
Duración: 8 hrs.
Lugar: Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna.
Dirigidos a: Oficiales, Sub-Oficiales, Ingenieros y para todos aquellos profesionales civiles que estén involucrados con el movimiento de tierra (Excavación) y la construcción de viviendas.
2.Para el segundo trimestre del año 2009 se dictará el curso “GERENCIA DE OBRAS DE MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA”.
Instructor: Ing. Eduardo Madrigal
Duración: 48 hrs.
Lugar: Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna.
Dirigidos a: Oficiales, Sub-Oficiales, Ingenieros y para todos aquellos profesionales civiles que estén involucrados con el movimiento de tierra (Excavación), a nivel de Pre-Grado.
3.A partir del tercer trimestre del año 2009, se dictara el “DIPLOMADO DE OBRAS DE MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA”.
Instructores: En el Diplomado contaremos con instructores especializados para cada modulo y materia, según su experiencia en el área.
Duración: 130 hrs.
Lugar: Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna.
Dirigidos a: Oficiales, Sub-Oficiales, Ingenieros y para todos aquellos profesionales civiles que estén involucrados con el movimiento de tierra (Excavación), a nivel de especialización.
La Direccion de Maquinaria Pesada de la CVC le ha garantizado a CENTRATEC la asesoría necesaria para lograr en el tercer trimestre del año 2009, dictar diversos Cursos para Operadores de Maquinaria Pesada, Mecánicos y Asistentes. En los niveles de: Propedéutico y Básico. En la preparación de los programas, materias y material a utilizar, contamos con la alianza y la asesoría de Federación de Trabajadores de Maquinarias Pesadas de Venezuela (FETRAMAQUIPES) , ya que ellos tienen una gran experiencia en el ramo de movimiento de tierra y construcción y conocen las necesidades existentes en el país en cuanto a operarios, mecánicos y tipos de maquinaria pesada. FETRAMAQUIPES en varias reuniones con la Dirección nos ha manifestado su decidida voluntad en participar en la preparación de los programas, materias y material a utilizar y en tal sentido podemos afirmar que para la realización de estas metas contaremos con la alianza y la asesoría de Federación de Trabajadores de Maquinarias Pesadas de Venezuela (FETRAMAQUIPES) , y adicionalmente con la FEDERACION INTERNACIONAL DE TRABAJADORES DE LA CONSTRUCCION Y LA MADERA (IBB, ICM, BHI, BTI, BWI.), quien también ha manifestado su apoyo a esta Direccion para el desarrollo de CENTRATEC por intermedio de su representante regional para América Latina y el Caribe, el Sr. Carlos Salquero.
De igual forma y en aras de tener acceso e información referida a la problemática nacional del sector usuario de Maquinarias Pesadas hemos desarrollado actividades inter-gremiales con la ASOCIACION DE INDUSTRIALES METALURGICOS Y DE MINERIA DE VENEZUELA A.I.M.M. y su Presidente Ing. Eduardo Garmendia; con CAMIVEN (Cámara Minera de Venezuela) y su Presidente Ing. Gilberto Sánchez, a los fines de poder contar con preparadores capacitados asistimos como Dirección de la CVC a la firma de sendos acuerdos de cooperación tecnológica de CENTRATEC con la empresa CASE, suscrito por el Sr. Alfredo Ayala en representación de BRIGGS Fl. U.S.A. y con los equipos VOLVO con la empresa GRUPO CASCO DE VENEZUELA, suscrito por su Vice-Presidente el sr. José Mendoza.
Por último y a los fines de lograr una visión integral del sector, estamos colaborando con el Banco Central de Venezuela para tener un índice de valores económicos acorde con la realidad del sector y simultáneamente estamos creando las herramientas cibernéticas necesarias para lograr entregar en el 2010 a la Junta Directiva de la CVC Bieno 2010/2012 un Inventario de Equipos y Maquinarias Pesadas existentes en el país labor la cual requerirá de todas las empresas del gremio su colaboración y aporte informático para conformar la data que este trabajo requerirá.- J.J. Parra
Para dar inicio, quiero destacar la invalorable colaboración que nos ha prestado la participación activa de los integrantes de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Venezolana de Maquinaria, quienes han asumido con su compromiso y apoyo un excelente trabajo para que esta Dirección de la CVC logre aglutinar los intereses gremiales de las empresas constructoras, por lo tanto quiero destacar los aportes del sr. Carlo Magno Lins de Construtora Odebrecht c.a.; del sr. Mariano Sandoval de Mantenimientos Valle Azul c.a., del sr. Placido Vianello de Inteven s.a., del sr, José Mendoza del Grupo Casco de Venezuela y del señor Bernardo Avalos del Banco B.F.C., asi como la sra. Samantha Persad quien ha colaborado decididamente con nuestra gerente la Ing. Yamel García para que esta Dirección de la CVC se haya incorporado en el campo gremial con tanto éxito y resultados.
Una de las áreas que hemos incluido como prioritaria para desarrollar, es la preparación, capacitación y certificación de Profesionales, Operarios y mecánicos en las áreas relacionadas con los Equipos y Maquinarias Pesadas. En tal sentido hemos apoyado la labor institucional del Centro de Entrenamiento y Transferencia Tecnológica (CENTRATEC). Actividad de apoyo y cooperación inter-institucional que hemos desarrollado por cuanto creemos en la necesidad que el sector tiene de la existencia de un Centro de Entrenamiento y Transferencia Tecnológica para promover, estimular, incentivar, desarrollar, realizar y ejecutar todas las actividades necesarias e indispensables Enseñanza, Capacitación y Certificación de Profesionales, Operarios y Mecánicos de Equipos a ser utilizados en el sector de las Maquinarias Pesadas. Es de importancia resaltar que CENTRATEC Centro de Entrenamiento y Transferencia Tecnológica fue aprobado por los organismos de la LOCTI Ley Orgánica de Ciencia y Tecnología y cumple con todos los requisitos legales para ser receptor de los aportes de la Ley. Actualmente este programa de esta desarrollando en Alianza con las F.A.N. en base a los alcances de acuerdo establecido con la Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna y cuyos aspectos resaltantes son los siguientes:
•Convocar al sector construccion para que provean los CAPACITADORES necesarios para estos programas.
•Crear con el aporte de talleres y aulas por parte de las F.F.A.A. y la U.N.E.F.A. en sus instalaciones, el I Centro de Entrenamiento, Capacitación y Certificación para mecánicos y mantenimiento (soldadores, engrasadores y otros)
•Crear con el aporte de talleres y aulas por parte de las F.F.A.A. y la U.N.E.F.A. en sus instalaciones, el I Centro de Entrenamiento, Capacitación y Certificación para Operarios.
•Adecuar y utilizar con el apoyo de las F.F.A.A. y el sector construcción, los equipos, maquinarias pesadas y herramientas que requieren estos Centros de Entrenamiento, Capacitación y Certificación.
•Desarrollar un Plan Inter Anual de Recuperación y mantenimiento de los equipos y maquinarias pesadas a las F.F.A.A. y otros entes del Estado.
En base a este programa el sector construcción utilizando esta herramienta LOCTI ha facilitado en esas instalaciones las siguientes actividades:
1.Cursos realizados en Fuerte Tiuna y cantidad de egresados
1er. Curso Manejos administrativos de los Costos Administrativos de Uso y Posesion de equipos y maquinarias:
Fecha: 09 de julio del 2008
Asistencia: 20 efectivos Militares
Duración: 8hrs
2do. Curso Curso Manejos administrativos de los Costos Administrativos de Uso y Posesion de equipos y maquinarias
Fecha: 23 de julio del 2008
Ing. Eduardo Madrigal
Ing. Engels Bandres
Ing. Gonzalo Araujo
Asistencia: 26 efectivos Militares
06 Civiles “BCV”
Duración: 8hrs.
Asimismo actualmente en la Dirección de Maquinaria Pesada estamos asesorando a CENTRATEC para el diseño curricular y PENSA correspondiente al Programa educativo 2009/2011 que se impartirá en Fuerte Tiuna:
1.Se tiene programado para comienzo del segundo trimestre 2009 dictar el curso del programa “Manejo Administrativo de Operación y Posesión para Maquinaria Pesada” en la Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna Caracas.
Instructor: Ing. Eduardo Madrigal
Duración: 8 hrs.
Lugar: Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna.
Dirigidos a: Oficiales, Sub-Oficiales, Ingenieros y para todos aquellos profesionales civiles que estén involucrados con el movimiento de tierra (Excavación) y la construcción de viviendas.
2.Para el segundo trimestre del año 2009 se dictará el curso “GERENCIA DE OBRAS DE MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA”.
Instructor: Ing. Eduardo Madrigal
Duración: 48 hrs.
Lugar: Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna.
Dirigidos a: Oficiales, Sub-Oficiales, Ingenieros y para todos aquellos profesionales civiles que estén involucrados con el movimiento de tierra (Excavación), a nivel de Pre-Grado.
3.A partir del tercer trimestre del año 2009, se dictara el “DIPLOMADO DE OBRAS DE MOVIMIENTO DE TIERRA”.
Instructores: En el Diplomado contaremos con instructores especializados para cada modulo y materia, según su experiencia en el área.
Duración: 130 hrs.
Lugar: Escuela de Ingeniería Militar “Gral. de Brigada Francisco Jacot” Fuerte Tiuna.
Dirigidos a: Oficiales, Sub-Oficiales, Ingenieros y para todos aquellos profesionales civiles que estén involucrados con el movimiento de tierra (Excavación), a nivel de especialización.
La Direccion de Maquinaria Pesada de la CVC le ha garantizado a CENTRATEC la asesoría necesaria para lograr en el tercer trimestre del año 2009, dictar diversos Cursos para Operadores de Maquinaria Pesada, Mecánicos y Asistentes. En los niveles de: Propedéutico y Básico. En la preparación de los programas, materias y material a utilizar, contamos con la alianza y la asesoría de Federación de Trabajadores de Maquinarias Pesadas de Venezuela (FETRAMAQUIPES) , ya que ellos tienen una gran experiencia en el ramo de movimiento de tierra y construcción y conocen las necesidades existentes en el país en cuanto a operarios, mecánicos y tipos de maquinaria pesada. FETRAMAQUIPES en varias reuniones con la Dirección nos ha manifestado su decidida voluntad en participar en la preparación de los programas, materias y material a utilizar y en tal sentido podemos afirmar que para la realización de estas metas contaremos con la alianza y la asesoría de Federación de Trabajadores de Maquinarias Pesadas de Venezuela (FETRAMAQUIPES) , y adicionalmente con la FEDERACION INTERNACIONAL DE TRABAJADORES DE LA CONSTRUCCION Y LA MADERA (IBB, ICM, BHI, BTI, BWI.), quien también ha manifestado su apoyo a esta Direccion para el desarrollo de CENTRATEC por intermedio de su representante regional para América Latina y el Caribe, el Sr. Carlos Salquero.
De igual forma y en aras de tener acceso e información referida a la problemática nacional del sector usuario de Maquinarias Pesadas hemos desarrollado actividades inter-gremiales con la ASOCIACION DE INDUSTRIALES METALURGICOS Y DE MINERIA DE VENEZUELA A.I.M.M. y su Presidente Ing. Eduardo Garmendia; con CAMIVEN (Cámara Minera de Venezuela) y su Presidente Ing. Gilberto Sánchez, a los fines de poder contar con preparadores capacitados asistimos como Dirección de la CVC a la firma de sendos acuerdos de cooperación tecnológica de CENTRATEC con la empresa CASE, suscrito por el Sr. Alfredo Ayala en representación de BRIGGS Fl. U.S.A. y con los equipos VOLVO con la empresa GRUPO CASCO DE VENEZUELA, suscrito por su Vice-Presidente el sr. José Mendoza.
Por último y a los fines de lograr una visión integral del sector, estamos colaborando con el Banco Central de Venezuela para tener un índice de valores económicos acorde con la realidad del sector y simultáneamente estamos creando las herramientas cibernéticas necesarias para lograr entregar en el 2010 a la Junta Directiva de la CVC Bieno 2010/2012 un Inventario de Equipos y Maquinarias Pesadas existentes en el país labor la cual requerirá de todas las empresas del gremio su colaboración y aporte informático para conformar la data que este trabajo requerirá.- J.J. Parra
miércoles, febrero 18, 2009
Elecciones en Venezuela , resultados del Referendo Aprobatorio
viernes, enero 23, 2009
NEWS about Venezuela
January 23, 2009
COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Venezuela is a medium income country whose economy is dominated by a substantial oil industry. The political climate in Venezuela is highly polarized and volatile. Violent crime is a serious problem, and the capital city of Caracas has been cited as having the highest per capita homicide rate in the world. Kidnappings, assaults and robberies occur throughout the country. Scheduled air service and all-weather roads connect major cities and most regions of the country. Venezuela’s tourism infrastructure varies in quality according to location and price. For an in depth country description of Venezuela, please read the Department of State Background Notes on Venezuela.
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ENTRY/EXIT REQUIREMENTS: A valid passport and a visa or tourist card are required. Tourist cards are issued on flights from the U.S. to Venezuela for persons staying less than ninety days. Persons traveling for reasons other than tourism, however, should consult the Venezuelan Embassy or nearest Venezuelan consulate regarding possible visa requirements for their specific purpose of travel. Venezuelan immigration authorities may require that U.S. passports have at least six months validity remaining from the date of arrival in Venezuela. Some U.S. citizens have been turned back to the United States if their passports will expire in less than six months. Passports should also be in good condition, as some U.S. citizens have been delayed or detained overnight for having otherwise valid passports in poor condition.
U.S. citizens residing in Venezuela should be careful to obtain legitimate Venezuelan documentation appropriate to their status. There have been numerous cases in the last several months of U.S. citizens who, having employed intermediaries, received what they believed to be valid Venezuelan resident visas and work permits. They were subsequently arrested and charged with possessing fraudulent Venezuelan documentation. ONIDEX, the Venezuelan government agency responsible for immigration documents, has informed the Embassy that the only valid resident visas are those for which the bearer has personally signed at ONIDEX headquarters in Caracas.
Venezuelan law requires Venezuelan citizens to enter and depart Venezuela using Venezuelan passports and Venezuelan immigration authorities are increasingly enforcing this requirement. In order to comply with U.S. and Venezuelan law, persons who hold dual American-Venezuelan nationality must plan to travel between Venezuela and the United States with valid U.S. and Venezuelan passports. Please see our information on dual nationality for entry and exit requirements pertaining to dual nationals.
Venezuela's child protection law mandates that minors (under 18) who are citizens or non-citizen residents of Venezuela and who are traveling alone, with only one parent, or with a third party, must present a copy of their birth certificate and written, notarized authorization from the absent parent(s) or legal guardian, specifically granting permission to travel alone, with one parent, or with a third party. This authorization must reflect the precise date and time of the travel, including flight and/or other pertinent information. Without this authorization, immigration authorities will prevent the child's departure from Venezuela. The Venezuelan Government no longer recognizes blanket or non-specific travel authorizations. When a parent is deceased, a notarized copy of the death certificate is required in lieu of the written authorization. If documents are prepared in the United States, the authorization and the birth certificate must be translated into Spanish, notarized, and authenticated by the Venezuela Embassy or a Venezuelan consulate in the United States. If documents are prepared in Venezuela, only notarization by a Venezuelan notary is required. A permission letter prepared outside Venezuela is valid for 90 days. A permission letter prepared in Venezuela is valid for 60 days.
Travelers entering Venezuela from certain countries are required to have a current yellow fever vaccination certificate. The Venezuelan Ministry of Health recommends the Yellow Fever vaccine for those travelers departing Venezuela, whose final destination is a country that requires that vaccine. This vaccine needs to be given at least 10 days prior to travel. Yellow Fever vaccine is effective for 10 years so please check your shot records to be sure they are updated as needed. In addition, per the Venezuelan Ministry of Health, travelers should carry their International Certificate of Vaccination (or yellow card) with them, as they may be asked to present it upon arrival or departure. Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever are also common in some areas and travelers should take precautions to prevent infection.
An exit tax and airport fee must be paid when departing Venezuela by airline. As of January 2009 the exit tax is 92 Bolívares Fuertes, and the airport fee is currently 115 Bolívares Fuertes (a total of approximately 97 USD calculated at the official exchange rate). In many instances, especially with non-U.S. airlines, the exit tax and airport fee are not included in the airline ticket price and must be paid separately at the airport upon departure. Authorities usually require that payment be made in local currency. Both the departure tax and the airport fee are subject to change with little notice. Travelers should check with their airlines for the latest information.
For current information concerning entry, tax, and customs requirements for Venezuela, travelers may contact the Venezuelan Embassy at 1099 30th Street, NW, Washington DC 20007, tel.: (202) 342-2214 , or visit the Embassy of Venezuela web site at Travelers may also contact the Venezuelan consulates in New York, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, Boston, San Francisco, or San Juan. Additional information about vaccination requirements for travel to Venezuela, as well as to other international destinations, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP ( 1-877-3... ); fax 1-888-CDC-FAXX ( 1-888-232-3299 ), or via CDC's web site at
Information about dual nationality or the prevention of international child abduction can be found on our web site. For further information about customs regulations, please read our Customs Information sheet.
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SAFETY AND SECURITY: Violent crime in Venezuela is pervasive, both in the capital, Caracas, and in the interior. The country’s overall per capita murder rate is cited as one of the highest in the world. Kidnapping is another serious concern. The Venezuelan National Counter Kidnapping Commission was created in 2006, and since then, official statistics have shown an alarming 78 percent increase in the number of reported kidnappings. Surveys show that the overwhelming majority of kidnappings are not reported to the police. Armed robberies take place in broad daylight throughout the city, including areas generally presumed safe and frequented by tourists. Well-armed criminal gangs operate with impunity, often setting up fake police checkpoints. Investigation of all crime is haphazard and ineffective. Only a very small percentage of crimes result in trials and convictions.
Travel to and from Maiquetía Airport, the international airport serving Caracas, can be dangerous, and corruption at the airport itself is rampant. Travelers at the airport have been victims of personal property theft, as well as mugging and “express kidnapping” in which individuals are taken to make purchases or to withdraw as much money as possible from ATMs, often at gunpoint. The Embassy has received multiple, credible reports that individuals with what appear to be official uniforms or other credentials are involved in facilitating or perpetrating these crimes. For this reason, American citizen travelers should be wary of all strangers, even those in official uniform or carrying official identification. There are also known drug trafficking groups working from the airport. Travelers should not accept packages from anyone and should keep their luggage with them at all times.
The road between Maiquetía Airport and Caracas is known to be particularly dangerous. Visitors traveling this route at night have been kidnapped and held captive for ransom in roadside huts that line the autopista. Because of the frequency of robberies at gunpoint, travelers are encouraged to arrive and depart only during daylight hours. If not, travelers should use extra care both within and outside the airport. The Embassy strongly advises that all arriving passengers make advance plans for transportation from the airport to their place of lodging. If possible, travelers should arrange to be picked up at the airport by someone who is known to them or at least try to caravan in known groups en route to Caracas. Travelers should be aware of chokepoints inside tunnels and avoid obstacles in the road. The Embassy has received frequent reports of armed robberies in taxicabs going to and from the airport at Maiquetía. There is no foolproof method of knowing whether a taxi driver at the airport is reliable. The fact that a taxi driver presents a credential or drives an automobile with official taxi license plates marked libre is no longer an indication of reliability. Incidents of taxi drivers in Caracas overcharging, robbing, and injuring passengers are common. Travelers should take care to use radio-dispatched taxis or those from reputable hotels. Travelers should call a 24-hour radio-dispatched taxi service from a public phone lobby or ask hotel, restaurant, or airline representatives to contact a licensed cab company for them.
A list of transportation services used by members of the U.S. Embassy community is available on the U.S. Embassy web site at The Embassy does not vouch for the professional ability or integrity of any specific provider. The list is not meant to be an endorsement by the Department of State or the Embassy. Likewise, the absence of any individual or company does not imply lack of competence.
While visiting Venezuela, Americans are encouraged to carry as little U.S. currency on them as possible and to avoid wearing expensive or flashy watches and jewelry. Due to the poor security situation, the Embassy does not recommend changing money at the international airport. Visitors should bring a major credit card, but should be aware of widespread pilfering of credit card data to make unauthorized transactions. Travelers’ checks are not recommended as they are honored in only a few locations. It is possible to exchange U.S. currency at approved exchange offices near major hotel chains in Caracas (personal checks are not accepted) and at commercial banks with some restrictions. Due to currency regulations, hotels cannot provide currency exchange. There are ATM machines throughout Venezuela. Malfunctions are common, however, and travelers should be careful to use only those in well-lit public places. ATM data has also been hacked and used to make unauthorized withdrawals from user’s accounts.
Popular tourist attractions, such as the Avila National Park, are increasingly associated with violent crime. Americans planning to participate in outdoor activities in potentially isolated areas are strongly urged to travel in groups of five or more and to provide family or friends with their itineraries prior to departure.
Cross-border violence, kidnapping, drug trafficking, smuggling, and cattle-rustling occur frequently in areas along the 1,000-mile long border between Venezuela and Colombia. Some kidnap victims have been released after ransom payments, while others have been murdered. In many cases, Colombian terrorists are believed to be the perpetrators. Colombia's National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are active in kidnapping. Common criminals are also increasingly involved in kidnappings, either dealing with victim's families directly or selling the victim to terrorist groups.
In-country travel by U.S. Embassy employees, both official and private, within a 50-mile area along the entire Venezuela/Colombia border, is prohibited. The State Department warns American citizens not to travel within a 50-mile area along the entire Venezuela/Colombia border. U.S. citizens who elect to visit areas along the border region with Colombia despite this warning, apart from the Colombian terrorist threat, could encounter Venezuelan military-controlled areas and may be subject to search and arrest.
The U.S. Embassy must approve in advance the official travel to Venezuela of all U.S. Government personnel. Private travel by U.S. military personnel to Venezuela requires advance approval by the U.S. Embassy. Please consult the Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide at for further information. Non-military employees of the U.S. Government do not need Embassy approval for private travel.
Political marches and demonstrations are frequent in Caracas and often pass without incident. Nevertheless, travelers should be aware that violence, including exchanges of gunfire, has occurred at political demonstrations in the past. Demonstrations tend to occur at or near university campuses, business centers, and gathering places such as public squares and plazas. Marches generally occur on busy thoroughfares, significantly impacting traffic. Most major tourist destinations, including coastal beach resorts and Margarita Island, have not in the past been generally affected by protest actions. The city of Merida, however, a major tourist destination in the Andes, has been the scene of frequent demonstrations, some of them violent, including the use of firearms.
Travelers should keep informed of local developments by following the local press, radio and television. Visitors should also consult their local hosts, including U.S. and Venezuelan business contacts, hotels, tour guides, and travel organizers. As circumstances warrant, the Embassy sends out messages to U.S. citizens who have registered on-line. These messages are also posted on the U.S. Citizens page of the Embassy’s web site at U.S. citizens traveling or residing in Venezuela are advised to take common-sense precautions and avoid large gatherings and demonstrations, no matter where they occur.
Harassment of U.S. citizens by pro-government groups, Venezuelan airport authorities, and some segments of the police occurs but is quite limited. Venezuela’s most senior leaders, including President Chavez, regularly express anti-American sentiment. The Venezuelan government’s rhetoric against the U.S. government, its American culture and institutions, has affected attitudes in what used to be one of the most pro-American countries in the hemisphere.
Venezuela is an earthquake-prone country and is occasionally subject to torrential rains, which can cause landslides. Torrential rains resulted in multiple mudslides and road closures in late 2008. Travelers who intend to rent or purchase long-term housing in Venezuela should choose structures designed for earthquake resistance. Such individuals may wish to seek professional assistance from an architect or civil/structural engineer, as does the Embassy, when renting or purchasing a house or apartment in Venezuela. Americans already housed in such premises are also encouraged to seek a professional structural assessment of their housing.
For further information on seismic activity, you may wish to visit:
1. The Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) web site at
2. The Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program web site at
3. The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project web site at
For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs’ web site, where the current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts including the Worldwide Caution can be found.
Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the U.S. and Canada or, for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444 . These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
The Department of State urges American citizens to take responsibility for their own personal security while traveling overseas. For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State’s pamphlet A Safe Trip Abroad.
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CRIME: Venezuela and its capital, Caracas, are reported to have among the highest per capita murder rates in the world. Most murders go unsolved. The poor neighborhoods that cover the hills around Caracas are extremely dangerous. These areas are seldom patrolled by police and should be avoided. Armed robberies are common in urban and tourist areas throughout Venezuela, even areas presumed safe and visited by tourists. Crimes committed against travelers are usually money-oriented crimes, such as theft and armed robbery. Incidents occur during daylight hours as well as at night. Many criminals are armed with guns or knives and will use force. Jewelry attracts the attention of thieves. Travelers are advised to leave jewelry items, especially expensive-looking wristwatches, at home. Gangs of thieves will often surround their victims and use a chokehold to disable them, even in crowded market areas where there is little or no police presence. Theft from hotel rooms and safe deposit boxes is a problem, and theft of unattended valuables on the beach and from rental cars parked near isolated areas or on city streets is a common occurrence. A guarded garage or locked trunk is not a guarantee against theft. Pickpockets concentrate in and around crowded bus and subway stations in downtown Caracas. Subway escalators are favored sites for "bump and rob" petty thefts by roving bands of young criminals. Many of these criminals are well dressed to allay suspicion and to blend in with crowds using the subways during rush hour. Travelers should not display money or valuables.
"Express kidnappings," in which victims are seized in an attempt to get quick cash in exchange for their release, are a problem. One common practice is for kidnappers to follow potential victims into building garages and kidnap them at gunpoint. Kidnappings of U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals, from homes, hotels, unauthorized taxis and the airport terminal do occur, and are more frequently being reported to the embassy. U.S. citizens should be alert to their surroundings and take necessary precautions.
The Department has received reports of robberies during nighttime and early morning hours on the highways around and leading to Caracas. Reports have specifically involved cars being forced off the La Guaira highway leading from Caracas to the Maquetía International Airport, and the "Regional del Centro" highway leading from Caracas to Maracay/Valencia, at which point the victims are robbed. The Department recommends avoiding driving at night and in the early morning where possible.
Police responsiveness and effectiveness in Venezuela vary drastically but generally do not meet U.S. expectations. U.S. travelers have reported robberies and other crimes committed against them by individuals wearing uniforms and purporting to be police officers or National Guard members.
Incidents of piracy off the coast of Venezuela remain a concern. Recent attacks have been especially violent, including the murder of a U.S. citizen on his boat in November 2008, and the killing of a French yachter in September. Over 10 attacks on foreign tourists in Venezuelan coastal waters and around Margarita Island have been reported in 2008. Previous violent attacks include the severe beating of a U.S. citizen in 2002, the fatal shooting of an Italian citizen in January 2004, and a machete attack on a U.S. citizen in 2005. U.S. citizen yachters should note that anchoring off shore is not considered safe. Marinas, including those in Puerto la Cruz and Margarita Island (Porlamar), provide only minimal security, and U.S. citizens should exercise a heightened level of caution in Venezuelan waters. Please consult the U.S. Coast Guard web site at for additional information on sailing in Venezuela.
Rules governing the sale of fuel to foreign sailors in Venezuela vary by state. U.S. citizen yachters should inquire about specific state procedures prior to attempting to purchase fuel in any given location. Failure to comply with a state’s particular requirements can result in arrest and criminal charges.
The Embassy is aware of several instances where women lured American men to Venezuela after establishing “relationships” with them over the Internet. Some of these men were robbed shortly after they arrived in Venezuela. Others were recruited to act as narcotics couriers or “drug mules.” In three instances, the Americans were arrested at the airport with narcotics in their possession and served extended jail terms in Venezuela.
In many countries around the world, counterfeit and pirated goods are widely available. Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law. In addition, bringing them back to the United States may result in forfeitures and/or fines. More information on this serious problem is available at
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INFORMATION FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME: The loss or theft abroad of a U.S. passport should be reported immediately to the local police and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If you are the victim of a crime while overseas, in addition to reporting to local police, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance. The Embassy/Consulate staff can, for example, assist you to find appropriate medical care, contact family members or friends and explain how funds could be transferred. Although the investigation and prosecution of the crime are solely the responsibility of local authorities, consular officers can help you to understand the local criminal justice process and to find an attorney if needed.
See our information on Victims of Crime.
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MEDICAL FACILITIES AND HEALTH INFORMATION: Medical care at private hospitals and clinics in Caracas and other major cities is generally good. Public hospitals and clinics generally provide a lower level of care and basic supplies at public facilities may be in short supply or unavailable. Cash payment is usually required in advance of the provision of medical services at private facilities, although some facilities will accept credit cards. Patients who cannot provide advance payment may be referred to a public hospital for treatment. Private companies that require the patient to be a subscriber to the service or provide cash payment in advance generally provide the most effective ambulance services. Public ambulance service is unreliable. U.S. citizens should be aware that due to the currency restrictions in effect in Venezuela they might find it difficult to receive wire transfers from abroad, whether through a bank or Western Union. Such wire transfers cannot be used reliably as a source of emergency funds. U.S. citizens traveling to Venezuela may also find it difficult to obtain certain prescription drugs, particularly name brands, and should ensure that they have sufficient quantities of all medications for the duration of their stay.
Information on vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP ( 1-877-394-8747 ) or via the CDC’s web site at For information about outbreaks of infectious diseases abroad consult the World Health Organization’s (WHO) web site at Further health information for travelers is available at
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MEDICAL INSURANCE: The Department of State strongly urges Americans to consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies overseas and whether it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation. Please see our information on medical insurance overseas.
ADVENTURE TOURISM: Venezuela has many natural attractions, to include the world’s tallest waterfall, Angel Falls. Travelers should note, however, that many of these attractions are in remote areas of the country. Medical services may be very limited, and transportation to larger cities may be difficult to arrange or time-consuming in the event of an emergency. Travelers should be aware of the increased risks due to the remoteness of some areas and precarious medical and transportation conditions.
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TRAFFIC SAFETY AND ROAD CONDITIONS: While in a foreign country, U.S. citizens may encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States. The information below concerning Venezuela is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance.
Driving regulations in Venezuela are similar to those in the United States, although many drivers do not obey them. Defensive driving is a necessity. Child car seats and seatbelts are not required and are seldom available in rental cars and taxis. Outside the major cities, night driving can be dangerous because of unmarked road damage or repairs in progress, unlighted vehicles, and livestock. Even in urban areas, road damage is often marked by a pile of rocks or sticks left by passersby near or in the pothole or crevice, without flares or other devices to highlight the danger. Traffic jams are common within Caracas during most of the day and are frequently exploited by criminals. Stops at National Guard and local police checkpoints are mandatory. Drivers should follow all National Guard instructions and be prepared to show vehicle and insurance papers and passports. Vehicles may be searched. Inexpensive bus service is available to most destinations throughout the country, but the high incidence of criminal activity on public transportation makes bus travel inadvisable. Peak holiday travel occurs during summer and winter school breaks and major civil and religious holidays, including Carnival, Easter, Christmas and New Year's holidays. Lengthy delays due to road congestion are common during these peak periods.
Please refer to our Road Safety page for more information.
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AVIATION SAFETY OVERSIGHT: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Venezuela’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for the oversight of Venezuela’s air carrier operations. For more information, travelers may visit the FAA’s web site at
AVIATION SECURITY OVERSIGHT: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been unable to assess the actual security measures at international airports in Venezuela that serve as the last point of departure for nonstop flights to the United States. Air carriers issuing tickets for travel between the United States and Venezuela are directed to notify ticket purchasers in writing of the situation. TSA directed that this advisory be displayed prominently at all U.S. airports and published in the Federal Register, pursuant to Title 49 U.S.C., Section 114.
The Department of Homeland Security is required to assess security at foreign airports with direct service to the United States to determine compliance with standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). More information about TSA is available on its website at
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SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Venezuela has held annual electoral campaigns since 2004 and it is likely that there will be two major electoral campaigns in 2009 – one in the first quarter for a constitutional referendum and one in the last quarter for municipal councils. Both of these campaigns will likely generate extensive campaigning from political parties, government organizations and civil society groups. It is also possible that large political rallies or protests could take place in major cities during that time. U.S. citizens should take caution to avoid these large rallies.
The government of Venezuela implemented rigid foreign exchange controls in 2003, including a fixed official rate of exchange. Foreign exchange transactions must take place through exchange houses or commercial banks at the official rate. As of October 2005 it is no longer possible to exchange money at hotels. Currency exchange for tourists can be arranged at casas de cambio (exchange houses). There are exchange houses located near most major hotels. It is also possible to exchange money at commercial banks; however, visitors should be aware that the exchange would not be immediate. Exchanges through commercial banks must first be approved by the Commission for Administration of Foreign Currencies (CADIVI). This requires a registration process, which delays the exchange. The exchange control mechanisms also require the exchange houses and commercial banks to obtain authorization from CADIVI to trade Bolívares Fuertes (the local currency) into U.S. dollars. Outside the major cities, a good supply of Venezuelan currency is necessary, as it may be difficult to find exchange houses. The Embassy cannot provide currency exchange services.
Travelers will likely encounter individuals in Venezuela who are willing to exchange Bolívares Fuertes for U.S. dollars at a rate significantly higher than the official rate of exchange. These "parallel market" currency exchanges are prohibited under the Venezuelan foreign exchange controls. Travelers engaging in such activity may be detained by the Venezuelan authorities. Additionally, in accordance with an October 2005 law, any person who exchanges more than 10,000 U.S. dollars in the course of a year through unofficial means is subject to a fine of double the amount exchanged. If the amount exceeds 20,000 U.S. dollars the penalty is two to six years imprisonment. Any person who transports more than 10,000 U.S. dollars into or out of Venezuela by any means must declare this amount to customs officials.
Credit cards are generally accepted at most upscale tourist establishments, but foreign exchange controls have made credit card acceptance less common than in the past. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express have representatives in Venezuela. Due to the prevalence of credit card fraud in Venezuela, travelers should exercise caution in using their credit cards and should check statements regularly to ensure that no unauthorized charges have been made. Most major cities have ATMs with 24-hour service where users may withdraw local currency, but many of these ATMs will not accept U.S.-issued debit cards.
Venezuelan customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from Venezuela of items such as plant and animal products, firearms, medications, archaeological or "cultural heritage" items, and pirated copies of copyrighted articles. It is advisable to contact the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington or one of Venezuela's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding customs requirements. Please see our Customs Information.
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CRIMINAL PENALTIES: While in a foreign country, a U.S. citizen is subject to that country's laws and regulations, which sometimes differ significantly from those in the United States and may not afford the protections available to the individual under U.S. law. Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in the United States for similar offenses. Persons violating Venezuela’s laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Venezuela are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Engaging in sexual conduct with children or using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country is a crime, prosecutable in the United States, regardless of where the offense occurs. Please see our information on Criminal Penalties.
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CHILDREN'S ISSUES: For information see our Office of Children’s Issues web pages on intercountry adoption and international parental child abduction.
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REGISTRATION / EMBASSY LOCATION: Americans living or traveling in Venezuela are encouraged to register with the U.S. Embassy in Caracas through the State Department’s travel registration web site so that they can obtain updated information on travel and security within Venezuela. Americans without Internet access may register directly with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy to contact them in case of emergency. The Consular Section is open for American Citizen Services from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, excluding U.S. and Venezuelan holidays. The U.S. Embassy is located at Calle Suapure and Calle F, Colinas de Valle Arriba, Caracas. The telephone number during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) is (58) (212... . In case of an after-hours emergency, callers should dial (58) (212) 9... . The Embassy’s web site, , contains complete information about services provided and hours of operation.
A part-time consular agent in Maracaibo provides services for U.S. citizens in western Venezuela. The agent is available to the public every Monday from 8:15 am to 12:15 p.m., at the Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia (CEVAZ), Calle 63 No. 3E-60, Maracaibo; telephone (58) (0261) 793-2101 or 793-3488.
COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Venezuela is a medium income country whose economy is dominated by a substantial oil industry. The political climate in Venezuela is highly polarized and volatile. Violent crime is a serious problem, and the capital city of Caracas has been cited as having the highest per capita homicide rate in the world. Kidnappings, assaults and robberies occur throughout the country. Scheduled air service and all-weather roads connect major cities and most regions of the country. Venezuela’s tourism infrastructure varies in quality according to location and price. For an in depth country description of Venezuela, please read the Department of State Background Notes on Venezuela.
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ENTRY/EXIT REQUIREMENTS: A valid passport and a visa or tourist card are required. Tourist cards are issued on flights from the U.S. to Venezuela for persons staying less than ninety days. Persons traveling for reasons other than tourism, however, should consult the Venezuelan Embassy or nearest Venezuelan consulate regarding possible visa requirements for their specific purpose of travel. Venezuelan immigration authorities may require that U.S. passports have at least six months validity remaining from the date of arrival in Venezuela. Some U.S. citizens have been turned back to the United States if their passports will expire in less than six months. Passports should also be in good condition, as some U.S. citizens have been delayed or detained overnight for having otherwise valid passports in poor condition.
U.S. citizens residing in Venezuela should be careful to obtain legitimate Venezuelan documentation appropriate to their status. There have been numerous cases in the last several months of U.S. citizens who, having employed intermediaries, received what they believed to be valid Venezuelan resident visas and work permits. They were subsequently arrested and charged with possessing fraudulent Venezuelan documentation. ONIDEX, the Venezuelan government agency responsible for immigration documents, has informed the Embassy that the only valid resident visas are those for which the bearer has personally signed at ONIDEX headquarters in Caracas.
Venezuelan law requires Venezuelan citizens to enter and depart Venezuela using Venezuelan passports and Venezuelan immigration authorities are increasingly enforcing this requirement. In order to comply with U.S. and Venezuelan law, persons who hold dual American-Venezuelan nationality must plan to travel between Venezuela and the United States with valid U.S. and Venezuelan passports. Please see our information on dual nationality for entry and exit requirements pertaining to dual nationals.
Venezuela's child protection law mandates that minors (under 18) who are citizens or non-citizen residents of Venezuela and who are traveling alone, with only one parent, or with a third party, must present a copy of their birth certificate and written, notarized authorization from the absent parent(s) or legal guardian, specifically granting permission to travel alone, with one parent, or with a third party. This authorization must reflect the precise date and time of the travel, including flight and/or other pertinent information. Without this authorization, immigration authorities will prevent the child's departure from Venezuela. The Venezuelan Government no longer recognizes blanket or non-specific travel authorizations. When a parent is deceased, a notarized copy of the death certificate is required in lieu of the written authorization. If documents are prepared in the United States, the authorization and the birth certificate must be translated into Spanish, notarized, and authenticated by the Venezuela Embassy or a Venezuelan consulate in the United States. If documents are prepared in Venezuela, only notarization by a Venezuelan notary is required. A permission letter prepared outside Venezuela is valid for 90 days. A permission letter prepared in Venezuela is valid for 60 days.
Travelers entering Venezuela from certain countries are required to have a current yellow fever vaccination certificate. The Venezuelan Ministry of Health recommends the Yellow Fever vaccine for those travelers departing Venezuela, whose final destination is a country that requires that vaccine. This vaccine needs to be given at least 10 days prior to travel. Yellow Fever vaccine is effective for 10 years so please check your shot records to be sure they are updated as needed. In addition, per the Venezuelan Ministry of Health, travelers should carry their International Certificate of Vaccination (or yellow card) with them, as they may be asked to present it upon arrival or departure. Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever are also common in some areas and travelers should take precautions to prevent infection.
An exit tax and airport fee must be paid when departing Venezuela by airline. As of January 2009 the exit tax is 92 Bolívares Fuertes, and the airport fee is currently 115 Bolívares Fuertes (a total of approximately 97 USD calculated at the official exchange rate). In many instances, especially with non-U.S. airlines, the exit tax and airport fee are not included in the airline ticket price and must be paid separately at the airport upon departure. Authorities usually require that payment be made in local currency. Both the departure tax and the airport fee are subject to change with little notice. Travelers should check with their airlines for the latest information.
For current information concerning entry, tax, and customs requirements for Venezuela, travelers may contact the Venezuelan Embassy at 1099 30th Street, NW, Washington DC 20007, tel.: (202) 342-2214 , or visit the Embassy of Venezuela web site at Travelers may also contact the Venezuelan consulates in New York, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, Boston, San Francisco, or San Juan. Additional information about vaccination requirements for travel to Venezuela, as well as to other international destinations, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP ( 1-877-3... ); fax 1-888-CDC-FAXX ( 1-888-232-3299 ), or via CDC's web site at
Information about dual nationality or the prevention of international child abduction can be found on our web site. For further information about customs regulations, please read our Customs Information sheet.
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SAFETY AND SECURITY: Violent crime in Venezuela is pervasive, both in the capital, Caracas, and in the interior. The country’s overall per capita murder rate is cited as one of the highest in the world. Kidnapping is another serious concern. The Venezuelan National Counter Kidnapping Commission was created in 2006, and since then, official statistics have shown an alarming 78 percent increase in the number of reported kidnappings. Surveys show that the overwhelming majority of kidnappings are not reported to the police. Armed robberies take place in broad daylight throughout the city, including areas generally presumed safe and frequented by tourists. Well-armed criminal gangs operate with impunity, often setting up fake police checkpoints. Investigation of all crime is haphazard and ineffective. Only a very small percentage of crimes result in trials and convictions.
Travel to and from Maiquetía Airport, the international airport serving Caracas, can be dangerous, and corruption at the airport itself is rampant. Travelers at the airport have been victims of personal property theft, as well as mugging and “express kidnapping” in which individuals are taken to make purchases or to withdraw as much money as possible from ATMs, often at gunpoint. The Embassy has received multiple, credible reports that individuals with what appear to be official uniforms or other credentials are involved in facilitating or perpetrating these crimes. For this reason, American citizen travelers should be wary of all strangers, even those in official uniform or carrying official identification. There are also known drug trafficking groups working from the airport. Travelers should not accept packages from anyone and should keep their luggage with them at all times.
The road between Maiquetía Airport and Caracas is known to be particularly dangerous. Visitors traveling this route at night have been kidnapped and held captive for ransom in roadside huts that line the autopista. Because of the frequency of robberies at gunpoint, travelers are encouraged to arrive and depart only during daylight hours. If not, travelers should use extra care both within and outside the airport. The Embassy strongly advises that all arriving passengers make advance plans for transportation from the airport to their place of lodging. If possible, travelers should arrange to be picked up at the airport by someone who is known to them or at least try to caravan in known groups en route to Caracas. Travelers should be aware of chokepoints inside tunnels and avoid obstacles in the road. The Embassy has received frequent reports of armed robberies in taxicabs going to and from the airport at Maiquetía. There is no foolproof method of knowing whether a taxi driver at the airport is reliable. The fact that a taxi driver presents a credential or drives an automobile with official taxi license plates marked libre is no longer an indication of reliability. Incidents of taxi drivers in Caracas overcharging, robbing, and injuring passengers are common. Travelers should take care to use radio-dispatched taxis or those from reputable hotels. Travelers should call a 24-hour radio-dispatched taxi service from a public phone lobby or ask hotel, restaurant, or airline representatives to contact a licensed cab company for them.
A list of transportation services used by members of the U.S. Embassy community is available on the U.S. Embassy web site at The Embassy does not vouch for the professional ability or integrity of any specific provider. The list is not meant to be an endorsement by the Department of State or the Embassy. Likewise, the absence of any individual or company does not imply lack of competence.
While visiting Venezuela, Americans are encouraged to carry as little U.S. currency on them as possible and to avoid wearing expensive or flashy watches and jewelry. Due to the poor security situation, the Embassy does not recommend changing money at the international airport. Visitors should bring a major credit card, but should be aware of widespread pilfering of credit card data to make unauthorized transactions. Travelers’ checks are not recommended as they are honored in only a few locations. It is possible to exchange U.S. currency at approved exchange offices near major hotel chains in Caracas (personal checks are not accepted) and at commercial banks with some restrictions. Due to currency regulations, hotels cannot provide currency exchange. There are ATM machines throughout Venezuela. Malfunctions are common, however, and travelers should be careful to use only those in well-lit public places. ATM data has also been hacked and used to make unauthorized withdrawals from user’s accounts.
Popular tourist attractions, such as the Avila National Park, are increasingly associated with violent crime. Americans planning to participate in outdoor activities in potentially isolated areas are strongly urged to travel in groups of five or more and to provide family or friends with their itineraries prior to departure.
Cross-border violence, kidnapping, drug trafficking, smuggling, and cattle-rustling occur frequently in areas along the 1,000-mile long border between Venezuela and Colombia. Some kidnap victims have been released after ransom payments, while others have been murdered. In many cases, Colombian terrorists are believed to be the perpetrators. Colombia's National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are active in kidnapping. Common criminals are also increasingly involved in kidnappings, either dealing with victim's families directly or selling the victim to terrorist groups.
In-country travel by U.S. Embassy employees, both official and private, within a 50-mile area along the entire Venezuela/Colombia border, is prohibited. The State Department warns American citizens not to travel within a 50-mile area along the entire Venezuela/Colombia border. U.S. citizens who elect to visit areas along the border region with Colombia despite this warning, apart from the Colombian terrorist threat, could encounter Venezuelan military-controlled areas and may be subject to search and arrest.
The U.S. Embassy must approve in advance the official travel to Venezuela of all U.S. Government personnel. Private travel by U.S. military personnel to Venezuela requires advance approval by the U.S. Embassy. Please consult the Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide at for further information. Non-military employees of the U.S. Government do not need Embassy approval for private travel.
Political marches and demonstrations are frequent in Caracas and often pass without incident. Nevertheless, travelers should be aware that violence, including exchanges of gunfire, has occurred at political demonstrations in the past. Demonstrations tend to occur at or near university campuses, business centers, and gathering places such as public squares and plazas. Marches generally occur on busy thoroughfares, significantly impacting traffic. Most major tourist destinations, including coastal beach resorts and Margarita Island, have not in the past been generally affected by protest actions. The city of Merida, however, a major tourist destination in the Andes, has been the scene of frequent demonstrations, some of them violent, including the use of firearms.
Travelers should keep informed of local developments by following the local press, radio and television. Visitors should also consult their local hosts, including U.S. and Venezuelan business contacts, hotels, tour guides, and travel organizers. As circumstances warrant, the Embassy sends out messages to U.S. citizens who have registered on-line. These messages are also posted on the U.S. Citizens page of the Embassy’s web site at U.S. citizens traveling or residing in Venezuela are advised to take common-sense precautions and avoid large gatherings and demonstrations, no matter where they occur.
Harassment of U.S. citizens by pro-government groups, Venezuelan airport authorities, and some segments of the police occurs but is quite limited. Venezuela’s most senior leaders, including President Chavez, regularly express anti-American sentiment. The Venezuelan government’s rhetoric against the U.S. government, its American culture and institutions, has affected attitudes in what used to be one of the most pro-American countries in the hemisphere.
Venezuela is an earthquake-prone country and is occasionally subject to torrential rains, which can cause landslides. Torrential rains resulted in multiple mudslides and road closures in late 2008. Travelers who intend to rent or purchase long-term housing in Venezuela should choose structures designed for earthquake resistance. Such individuals may wish to seek professional assistance from an architect or civil/structural engineer, as does the Embassy, when renting or purchasing a house or apartment in Venezuela. Americans already housed in such premises are also encouraged to seek a professional structural assessment of their housing.
For further information on seismic activity, you may wish to visit:
1. The Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) web site at
2. The Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program web site at
3. The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project web site at
For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs’ web site, where the current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts including the Worldwide Caution can be found.
Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the U.S. and Canada or, for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444 . These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
The Department of State urges American citizens to take responsibility for their own personal security while traveling overseas. For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State’s pamphlet A Safe Trip Abroad.
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CRIME: Venezuela and its capital, Caracas, are reported to have among the highest per capita murder rates in the world. Most murders go unsolved. The poor neighborhoods that cover the hills around Caracas are extremely dangerous. These areas are seldom patrolled by police and should be avoided. Armed robberies are common in urban and tourist areas throughout Venezuela, even areas presumed safe and visited by tourists. Crimes committed against travelers are usually money-oriented crimes, such as theft and armed robbery. Incidents occur during daylight hours as well as at night. Many criminals are armed with guns or knives and will use force. Jewelry attracts the attention of thieves. Travelers are advised to leave jewelry items, especially expensive-looking wristwatches, at home. Gangs of thieves will often surround their victims and use a chokehold to disable them, even in crowded market areas where there is little or no police presence. Theft from hotel rooms and safe deposit boxes is a problem, and theft of unattended valuables on the beach and from rental cars parked near isolated areas or on city streets is a common occurrence. A guarded garage or locked trunk is not a guarantee against theft. Pickpockets concentrate in and around crowded bus and subway stations in downtown Caracas. Subway escalators are favored sites for "bump and rob" petty thefts by roving bands of young criminals. Many of these criminals are well dressed to allay suspicion and to blend in with crowds using the subways during rush hour. Travelers should not display money or valuables.
"Express kidnappings," in which victims are seized in an attempt to get quick cash in exchange for their release, are a problem. One common practice is for kidnappers to follow potential victims into building garages and kidnap them at gunpoint. Kidnappings of U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals, from homes, hotels, unauthorized taxis and the airport terminal do occur, and are more frequently being reported to the embassy. U.S. citizens should be alert to their surroundings and take necessary precautions.
The Department has received reports of robberies during nighttime and early morning hours on the highways around and leading to Caracas. Reports have specifically involved cars being forced off the La Guaira highway leading from Caracas to the Maquetía International Airport, and the "Regional del Centro" highway leading from Caracas to Maracay/Valencia, at which point the victims are robbed. The Department recommends avoiding driving at night and in the early morning where possible.
Police responsiveness and effectiveness in Venezuela vary drastically but generally do not meet U.S. expectations. U.S. travelers have reported robberies and other crimes committed against them by individuals wearing uniforms and purporting to be police officers or National Guard members.
Incidents of piracy off the coast of Venezuela remain a concern. Recent attacks have been especially violent, including the murder of a U.S. citizen on his boat in November 2008, and the killing of a French yachter in September. Over 10 attacks on foreign tourists in Venezuelan coastal waters and around Margarita Island have been reported in 2008. Previous violent attacks include the severe beating of a U.S. citizen in 2002, the fatal shooting of an Italian citizen in January 2004, and a machete attack on a U.S. citizen in 2005. U.S. citizen yachters should note that anchoring off shore is not considered safe. Marinas, including those in Puerto la Cruz and Margarita Island (Porlamar), provide only minimal security, and U.S. citizens should exercise a heightened level of caution in Venezuelan waters. Please consult the U.S. Coast Guard web site at for additional information on sailing in Venezuela.
Rules governing the sale of fuel to foreign sailors in Venezuela vary by state. U.S. citizen yachters should inquire about specific state procedures prior to attempting to purchase fuel in any given location. Failure to comply with a state’s particular requirements can result in arrest and criminal charges.
The Embassy is aware of several instances where women lured American men to Venezuela after establishing “relationships” with them over the Internet. Some of these men were robbed shortly after they arrived in Venezuela. Others were recruited to act as narcotics couriers or “drug mules.” In three instances, the Americans were arrested at the airport with narcotics in their possession and served extended jail terms in Venezuela.
In many countries around the world, counterfeit and pirated goods are widely available. Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law. In addition, bringing them back to the United States may result in forfeitures and/or fines. More information on this serious problem is available at
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INFORMATION FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME: The loss or theft abroad of a U.S. passport should be reported immediately to the local police and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If you are the victim of a crime while overseas, in addition to reporting to local police, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance. The Embassy/Consulate staff can, for example, assist you to find appropriate medical care, contact family members or friends and explain how funds could be transferred. Although the investigation and prosecution of the crime are solely the responsibility of local authorities, consular officers can help you to understand the local criminal justice process and to find an attorney if needed.
See our information on Victims of Crime.
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MEDICAL FACILITIES AND HEALTH INFORMATION: Medical care at private hospitals and clinics in Caracas and other major cities is generally good. Public hospitals and clinics generally provide a lower level of care and basic supplies at public facilities may be in short supply or unavailable. Cash payment is usually required in advance of the provision of medical services at private facilities, although some facilities will accept credit cards. Patients who cannot provide advance payment may be referred to a public hospital for treatment. Private companies that require the patient to be a subscriber to the service or provide cash payment in advance generally provide the most effective ambulance services. Public ambulance service is unreliable. U.S. citizens should be aware that due to the currency restrictions in effect in Venezuela they might find it difficult to receive wire transfers from abroad, whether through a bank or Western Union. Such wire transfers cannot be used reliably as a source of emergency funds. U.S. citizens traveling to Venezuela may also find it difficult to obtain certain prescription drugs, particularly name brands, and should ensure that they have sufficient quantities of all medications for the duration of their stay.
Information on vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP ( 1-877-394-8747 ) or via the CDC’s web site at For information about outbreaks of infectious diseases abroad consult the World Health Organization’s (WHO) web site at Further health information for travelers is available at
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MEDICAL INSURANCE: The Department of State strongly urges Americans to consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies overseas and whether it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation. Please see our information on medical insurance overseas.
ADVENTURE TOURISM: Venezuela has many natural attractions, to include the world’s tallest waterfall, Angel Falls. Travelers should note, however, that many of these attractions are in remote areas of the country. Medical services may be very limited, and transportation to larger cities may be difficult to arrange or time-consuming in the event of an emergency. Travelers should be aware of the increased risks due to the remoteness of some areas and precarious medical and transportation conditions.
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TRAFFIC SAFETY AND ROAD CONDITIONS: While in a foreign country, U.S. citizens may encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States. The information below concerning Venezuela is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance.
Driving regulations in Venezuela are similar to those in the United States, although many drivers do not obey them. Defensive driving is a necessity. Child car seats and seatbelts are not required and are seldom available in rental cars and taxis. Outside the major cities, night driving can be dangerous because of unmarked road damage or repairs in progress, unlighted vehicles, and livestock. Even in urban areas, road damage is often marked by a pile of rocks or sticks left by passersby near or in the pothole or crevice, without flares or other devices to highlight the danger. Traffic jams are common within Caracas during most of the day and are frequently exploited by criminals. Stops at National Guard and local police checkpoints are mandatory. Drivers should follow all National Guard instructions and be prepared to show vehicle and insurance papers and passports. Vehicles may be searched. Inexpensive bus service is available to most destinations throughout the country, but the high incidence of criminal activity on public transportation makes bus travel inadvisable. Peak holiday travel occurs during summer and winter school breaks and major civil and religious holidays, including Carnival, Easter, Christmas and New Year's holidays. Lengthy delays due to road congestion are common during these peak periods.
Please refer to our Road Safety page for more information.
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AVIATION SAFETY OVERSIGHT: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Venezuela’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for the oversight of Venezuela’s air carrier operations. For more information, travelers may visit the FAA’s web site at
AVIATION SECURITY OVERSIGHT: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been unable to assess the actual security measures at international airports in Venezuela that serve as the last point of departure for nonstop flights to the United States. Air carriers issuing tickets for travel between the United States and Venezuela are directed to notify ticket purchasers in writing of the situation. TSA directed that this advisory be displayed prominently at all U.S. airports and published in the Federal Register, pursuant to Title 49 U.S.C., Section 114.
The Department of Homeland Security is required to assess security at foreign airports with direct service to the United States to determine compliance with standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). More information about TSA is available on its website at
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SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: Venezuela has held annual electoral campaigns since 2004 and it is likely that there will be two major electoral campaigns in 2009 – one in the first quarter for a constitutional referendum and one in the last quarter for municipal councils. Both of these campaigns will likely generate extensive campaigning from political parties, government organizations and civil society groups. It is also possible that large political rallies or protests could take place in major cities during that time. U.S. citizens should take caution to avoid these large rallies.
The government of Venezuela implemented rigid foreign exchange controls in 2003, including a fixed official rate of exchange. Foreign exchange transactions must take place through exchange houses or commercial banks at the official rate. As of October 2005 it is no longer possible to exchange money at hotels. Currency exchange for tourists can be arranged at casas de cambio (exchange houses). There are exchange houses located near most major hotels. It is also possible to exchange money at commercial banks; however, visitors should be aware that the exchange would not be immediate. Exchanges through commercial banks must first be approved by the Commission for Administration of Foreign Currencies (CADIVI). This requires a registration process, which delays the exchange. The exchange control mechanisms also require the exchange houses and commercial banks to obtain authorization from CADIVI to trade Bolívares Fuertes (the local currency) into U.S. dollars. Outside the major cities, a good supply of Venezuelan currency is necessary, as it may be difficult to find exchange houses. The Embassy cannot provide currency exchange services.
Travelers will likely encounter individuals in Venezuela who are willing to exchange Bolívares Fuertes for U.S. dollars at a rate significantly higher than the official rate of exchange. These "parallel market" currency exchanges are prohibited under the Venezuelan foreign exchange controls. Travelers engaging in such activity may be detained by the Venezuelan authorities. Additionally, in accordance with an October 2005 law, any person who exchanges more than 10,000 U.S. dollars in the course of a year through unofficial means is subject to a fine of double the amount exchanged. If the amount exceeds 20,000 U.S. dollars the penalty is two to six years imprisonment. Any person who transports more than 10,000 U.S. dollars into or out of Venezuela by any means must declare this amount to customs officials.
Credit cards are generally accepted at most upscale tourist establishments, but foreign exchange controls have made credit card acceptance less common than in the past. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express have representatives in Venezuela. Due to the prevalence of credit card fraud in Venezuela, travelers should exercise caution in using their credit cards and should check statements regularly to ensure that no unauthorized charges have been made. Most major cities have ATMs with 24-hour service where users may withdraw local currency, but many of these ATMs will not accept U.S.-issued debit cards.
Venezuelan customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from Venezuela of items such as plant and animal products, firearms, medications, archaeological or "cultural heritage" items, and pirated copies of copyrighted articles. It is advisable to contact the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington or one of Venezuela's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding customs requirements. Please see our Customs Information.
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CRIMINAL PENALTIES: While in a foreign country, a U.S. citizen is subject to that country's laws and regulations, which sometimes differ significantly from those in the United States and may not afford the protections available to the individual under U.S. law. Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in the United States for similar offenses. Persons violating Venezuela’s laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Venezuela are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Engaging in sexual conduct with children or using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country is a crime, prosecutable in the United States, regardless of where the offense occurs. Please see our information on Criminal Penalties.
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CHILDREN'S ISSUES: For information see our Office of Children’s Issues web pages on intercountry adoption and international parental child abduction.
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REGISTRATION / EMBASSY LOCATION: Americans living or traveling in Venezuela are encouraged to register with the U.S. Embassy in Caracas through the State Department’s travel registration web site so that they can obtain updated information on travel and security within Venezuela. Americans without Internet access may register directly with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy to contact them in case of emergency. The Consular Section is open for American Citizen Services from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, excluding U.S. and Venezuelan holidays. The U.S. Embassy is located at Calle Suapure and Calle F, Colinas de Valle Arriba, Caracas. The telephone number during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) is (58) (212... . In case of an after-hours emergency, callers should dial (58) (212) 9... . The Embassy’s web site, , contains complete information about services provided and hours of operation.
A part-time consular agent in Maracaibo provides services for U.S. citizens in western Venezuela. The agent is available to the public every Monday from 8:15 am to 12:15 p.m., at the Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia (CEVAZ), Calle 63 No. 3E-60, Maracaibo; telephone (58) (0261) 793-2101 or 793-3488.
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